Mecosta County Assessors Association

October 25th 2010

Martiny Township

Meeting Called to order by chair Ruth Chapman at 1:10 pm

Units represented: Austin, Aetna, Martiny, Colfax, Deerfield, Wheatland, Fork, Hinton, Millbrook, Morton, Mecosta, County EQ.

Accepted minutes as printed from July Educational class.


Moved by Lucas Support by Finch to have Chair Publish dates and times for BOR for all units in the Pioneer.

BOR class, Marty has informed us that he will not have time to do this class this year, suggested to see if Norm Daniels may be interested. Jerry and Ruthy will check on the availability of Chippewa Hills High School.

Suggested to have educational workshop on USPAP as the April meeting, need to print off Quiz and bring to meeting.

Next Meeting will be on January 24th 2011 at the Wheatland Township Hall, E.C.F. value workshop.


Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm


Kenn Vredenburg

Mecosta County Assessor Association
