Mecosta County Assessors Association Meeting
Sheridan Township Hall
January 14th, 2013

Meeting Called to order at 1:00 pm By Chair

Units present: Mecosta, Austin, Aetna, Millbrook, Sheridan, Fork, Morton, Wheatland, Green, Chippewa, Hinton, Colfax, Martiny, Colfax, Deerfield.

Moved by Strong to accept minutes as printed, supported by Finch, all ayes, motion carried

Treasure Balance $ 3,009.32

Old Business:
 Paid $ 500.00 to  Class instructor that was due to her for Class
County is only emailing reports because of expenses, if you ask them to they will print them off for you.
BOR School, 2-16-2013, Barbara Vangeldren  @ Chippewa Hills HS
G.I.S.- Shila will check with Ferris and see if there is a student that could work on it as a project.

New Business:
Lisa gave list serve for legislative updates when they come up
went over new emails from the State
moved by Strong to spend up to $ 50.00 for memorials for- Parents, Spouse, children and past members,
supported by McNatt, all ayes motion carried
Annual election of officers: Moved by Lucas to reelect same officers as last year, supported by McNatt, most ayes, motion carried Ruth Chapin-Chair, Jerrilynn Strong- Vice Chair, Kenn Vredenburg-Sec Treas,
Trustees- Charles Lucas and Lisa Finch
Equalization would like rolls to county by 2-8-2013 if they are printing yours.
Discussion on Drains, PRE, QA
Maybe could ask Karen Hahn about Remonumentation  progress at County Chapter Meeting

Public Comment - none

Next Meeting,  April 8, 2013 @ Mecosta Township Hall 1:00 pm

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm


Kenn Vredenburg
Sec Treas. Mecosta County Assessors Assn.