Mecosta County Assessors Association

Minutes July 8th, 2013

Meeting Called to order by chair at 1:00 pm at the Deerfield Township Hall

Units represented: Austin, Aetna, Mecosta, Green, Colfax, Martiny, Deerfield, Millbrook, Morton, Co. Eq Dept. State ACD.

Moved by Strong Supported by Finch to approve minutes as printed

Treasures report: Balance $3,660.64

Question on tax bills that were mailed out where the address could not be read, Eq said that they discovered late and were assured by the post office that if they  had the zip on they should be delivered.

Aug 4th, Shila will do PRE and AG exemptions at BRPS, Kenn to do refreshments as usual

Tim Schnelle has confirmed he will do a class on “current Legislation”, on Monday October 7th, 2013

Moved by Strong, to reimburse Tim Schnelle for room, 3 meals, Mileage, supported by Finch all ayes.

Moved by Strong to charge non MCAA members $10.00 for Tim’s class, supported by Spalo, all ayes

GIS, no new info at this time

New Business: July BOR is July 16th

New DNR- questions on DNR roll and the values set by them

Discussion on Bulliten #3 of 2013

Legislative update from County: none

Per Pat Cell Towers should be assessed by Building on Leased land, Toggle box BLL.   You can get information on the internet if you have A.S.R. number of the tower.

Public Comment: none

Next meeting will be at Millbrook Twp Hall October 14th, 2013 1:00 pm

Meeting Adjourned at 2:40 pm

Kenn Vredenburg
Mecosta County Assessors Assn.