Mecosta County Assessors Association
Mecosta Twp Hall
October, 13th 2014

Meeting called to order at 1:08 pm by chair Ruth Chapman

Units represented: Hinton, Austin, Aetna, Mecosta, Sheridan, Millbrook, Martiny, Deerfield, Morton, Co.Eq.

Minutes- moved by Strong support by Lucas to approve minutes as printed, all ayes

Treasurers Balance: $ 2,165.67

Old Business:
             Many good comments on the class put on by Barbara Vangelderen

New Business:
            GIS, 12 of 14 units are committed to partner with the County on GIS
            4029 from county will not go out until after the election
            Reminder to sign up for Listserv for MTT, STC and Treas.
            MTT appeals are all on line now

Continuing ed class suggestions:
            Mike Werring- 4 hr
            Maynard, Eq Director, GIS       6 hr
            MTT Class

Disable Vet Exemption discussed
December BOR Dec 9th
BOR appointments January 2015, 2 year term
Gail Dolbee is new assessor for Sheridan Township
BOR school class, February 7th 2015 at Chip Hills High School, Barbara Vangelderen

Public Comment; None

Next meeting January 12, 2015 at Martiny Township Hall

Meeting Adjourned at 3:00 pm


Kenn Vredenburg
Sec/Treas, Mecosta County Assessors Assn