Mecosta Austin Fire Board


March 16, 2011


The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Chairman John Boyd.


Pledge to the flag was given.


Roll Call: John Boyd; Greg Babbitt; Phil Hanford; Elizabeth G. Carr; and Carolyn Towsley. Absent -. Arturo Pierera


Additions to the Agenda – Under New Business  8) Old 6x6.


Approval of Agenda – Greg Babbitt moved that the Agenda be approved as amended.  Supported by Phil Hanford.  Motion carried.


Approval of Minutes – Greg Babbitt moved the minutes be approved as printed.  Supported by Carolyn Towsley.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report – Elizabeth Carr reviewed the Balance Sheets and Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual reports for the Fire Department and First Responders.  She explained voided checks. Beth said she still has not order checks.  Firemen Checking $14,859.67– Firemen Fund $967.97   Independent Bank $10,152.64   Total Assets $25,980.28.  As of March 16, 2011.  First Responders Checking $12,979.29   Independent Bank $113.42   Total Assets $13,092.71.   As of March 16, 2011.  John Boyd said the report would be accepted as presented.


Approval of Bills -  Checks #4401-4425 plus bills submitted for Phil Hanford for oil  - $329.70 and Palmer Outdoor Power Equipment for $150.00 for reprogramming of pagers; and checks #1203-1206 for First Responders.  Greg Babbitt  moved to approve the bills.  Carolyn Towsley seconded.  Roll Call: Greg Babbitt Yes; Phil Hanford Yes; Elizabeth Carr Yes; Carolyn Towsley Yes; and John Boyd Yes. Motion carried.


Public Comment – Phil Hanford said that MTA says dates of meetings must be posted at site.  If a special meeting is being held it must be posted 18 hours in advance.  Ron Palmer will post the meeting dates.


Old Business

ISO Update – An article had appeared in the Pioneer informing the community of the new rating.  Several present commented that their insurance policy prices had gone down with the new rating.


High Speed Internet Update –Nothing new.  Frontier is still two months out and Cosair should be two and one-half months out.  An air card has been tried but system was still slow.  So we will wait to see about these two companies when and if they become available.


Tanker Truck Status – A 6x6 has been offered.  It is in Marquette.  It is about an ’87 with less than 40,000 miles and a 2,000 gal tank.  It will need to be painted.  Once we paint it it will be titled to us and will be ours.  We need to look at it.  If we refuse this one, we will go to the bottom of the lottery list.  Carolyn Towsley moved to authorized fire members to go look at this truck in Marquette within the next 21 days and decide if it will work for us.  Seconded by Elizabeth Carr.  Discussion was about having it hauled back.   But everyone felt comfortable that if it broke down we would have options to get it back to Stanwood.  Roll Call: Roll Call: Greg Babbitt Yes; Phil Hanford Yes; Elizabeth Carr Yes; Carolyn Towsley Yes; and John Boyd Yes.  Motion carried.  Plans were set for several to go on April 5.


Resolution for Payment and Approval of Bills   Carolyn Towsley read Resolution 2011-1 authorizing payment of bills by the Austin Township Clerk and Austin Township Treasurer that are due prior to Fire Board meetings and emergency expenditures to be authorized by the Chairperson up to $500.  Carolyn Towsley moved to adopt Resolution 2011-1.  Phil Hanford seconded.  Roll Call: Roll Call: Greg Babbitt Yes; Phil Hanford Yes; Elizabeth Carr Yes; Carolyn Towsley Yes; and John Boyd Yes.  Motion carried.  It was suggested that a letter be drafted to some of our current suppliers asking for 60 day payment period.


Physicals – MDOT Physicals are $75 at Occupational Wellness.  Greg Babbitt  moved to have the physicals done at Occupational Wellness and that they should be DOT physicals without a card.  Seconded by Elizabeth Carr.  Roll Call: Roll Call: Greg Babbitt Yes; Phil Hanford Yes; Elizabeth Carr Yes; Carolyn Towsley Yes; and John Boyd Yes.  Motion carried.


Property and Vehicle Insurance – Carolyn Towsley reviewed the three proposals we had received for property and liability insurance for the Fire Department.  The proposals were from Western Insurance for the PAR Plan; Schuberg’s for the Selective Plan; and Western Insurance for the ESIP Plan.  Carolyn Towsley moved that we accept the ESIP plan if a proposal that is at or below the verbal quote with the umbrella reduced from $4M to $1M is presented on letterhead by 1:00 p.m., Thursday, March 17 or if not received we will accept Schuberg’s Selective proposal.  Seconded by Elizabeth Carr.  Roll Call: Roll Call: Greg Babbitt Yes; Phil Hanford No; Elizabeth Carr Yes; Carolyn Towsley Yes; and John Boyd Yes.  Motion carried.


New Sign – The sign and plaque should be completed by the 1st of April.  ANR will then set a ceremony.


Propane Status – Carolyn Towsley said she had looked into buying a new tank and then costs of refilling.  All prices were about the same for those who sell tanks.  It was suggested that companies be contacted to see what it would cost to have another company’s tank and what their lock-in cost for propane would be.  This needs to be presented at the May meeting.


New Business


Settlement of 2010-2011 Budget – Elizabeth Carr reviewed the overages of the various accounts and made recommendations on how to balance the individual accounts.  The grant and transfer of money for the new rescue truck were not originally anticipated for this budget, so these adjustments need to be shown on the balance sheet.  Concern was expressed that there may not be enough money to have a balanced budget for this year.  Greg Babbitt made the motion to allow Elizabeth Carr to take $1,000 out of the Fire Department’s CD to balance the 2010-11 budget on 3/31/111 if needed.  Seconded by Phil Hanford.   Roll Call: John Boyd Yes; Greg Babbitt Yes; Phil Hanford Yes; Elizabeth Carr Yes; and Carolyn Towsley Yes.  Motion carried.  This will be reviewed at the May meeting to see if the townships need to reimburse the withdrawal since it had been agreed that if wages went up we would help them out.


2011-2012 Budget – The new budget was developed similar to last year’s.  Insurance was reduced and wages increased.  Accounts for Grants under Income and Capital Outlay under Expenses need to be created for any possible incomes and expenses in these transactions occur next year.  Carolyn Towsley moved to accept the 2011-2012 budget as amended.  Seconded by Greg Babbitt.   Roll Call: John Boyd Yes; Greg Babbitt Yes; Phil Hanford Yes; Elizabeth Carr Yes; and Carolyn Towsley Yes.  Motion carried.


Fire Chief’s Report – All radios and pagers have been reprogrammed.  A new pump needs to be purchased for the air compressor.  The pump Ron Palmer had was bad.  DNR is going to be putting out a notice of a Burn Barrel Ban.  The ban was to go into effect April 1, but was postponed.


Safety Report – There have been no reported injuries.  Training was conducted on ice rescue training.


Maintenance Report – Grass rig 3-31 is in service with the new skid unit.  All equipment is fully functional.


Compliance and Deadlines – John Boyd stressed that there is a need to keep the Board posted if there is ever a need for assistance to meet compliance deadlines or any other deadlines.  The Board is here to assist when needed.  Everything is under control now with Ron Palmer and Alan Brennan alternating the uploading of the State reports on a weekly basis.


First Responders Report No reported injuries.  Calls have been low; 9.6 average.  Priority calls are going to Alpha 3 if they are non-life threatening.  The State is talking about changing the title of MFR to EMR.  This will be a future topic.


Old 6x6 – Need to get things arranged to have access to this vehicle.  Phil Hanford said that a code will be issued to the Fire Department to access the alarm system and that he will arrange things in the Mecosta Township barn so that the 6x6 can be easily accessed.


Brief Public Comment – Elizabeth Carr mentioned that the MSHDA information needs to be posted.  Ron Palmer said that they need a list of commercial business from our areas given to them so they can prepare their plans. 


Phil Hanford said that Mecosta Township has researched information about a Fire Department billing plan.  He will be sending information to us to review.


Announcements – The next meeting will be May 18, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall.


Correspondence  None.


Adjournment - At 10:00 p.m. John Boyd declared the meeting closed.


Submitted by,




Carolyn Towsley, Secretary