Mecosta Austin Fire Board


November 16, 2011


Chairman John Boyd called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.


Pledge to the flag was given.


Roll Call: John Boyd; Phil Hanford; Elizabeth G. Carr; Greg Babbitt; Arturo Pierera and Carolyn Towsley.


Additions to the Agenda – Under New Business: 5) Jaws.


Approval of Agenda – Elizabeth Carr moved that the Agenda be approved as amended.  Supported by Phil Hanford.  Motion carried.


Approval of Minutes –Phil Hanford moved the minutes be approved as presented.  Supported by Arturo Pierera.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report – Elizabeth Carr noted that the 336-810 Training account was over budget.  Firemen Checking $48,095.73– Firemen Fund $915.47   Independent Bank $8,242.06  Total Assets $57,253.26.  As of November 16, 2011.

First Responders Checking $8,192.09 as of November 16, 2011.


John Boyd said the report would be accepted as presented.


Elizabeth Carr noted that check #4157 was a void.  Phil Hanford moved to approve the bills: Fire Department checks #4511-4528 pre-approved and 4529-4530 and First Responders #1242-1245 pre-approved.  Carolyn Towsley seconded.  Roll Call: Greg Babbitt – yea; Arturo Pierera – yea; Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea.  Motion carried.


Public Comment – None.


Old Business

High Speed Internet Update – John Boyd did not proceed with approving Charter connection because 1) the cost would be $79.99 per month (above the $70 per month approved last month) and 2) they need to come in to survey to see if it can be done which will be done in the next few days.  Phil Hanford moved to approve up to $300 for installation/hookup and $80 per month plus taxes for service.  Arturo Pierera seconded.  .  Roll Call: Greg Babbitt – yea; Arturo Pierera – yea; Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea.  Motion carried.


Propane Decision – Carolyn Towsley submitted information on the cost of a new or used tank from various companies.  Scotland Oil had the best rate of $1,400 for a reconditioned tank and $2.299 capped filled rate if bill is paid within 5 days.  Other companies were $2,448 plus installation from Blarney Castle Oil and $$2,668.78 from Tri County.  After discussion it was decided to have Holton’s top off the tank using up the $360 credit we still have with them and then the Joint Townships Board can make a decision on how they would ask the fireboard to proceed.  Fire hall tank is at 55% currently.


SOG Language – Ron Palmer had Alan Brennan submit a new SOG #4 (1).  After editing with corrections Phil Hanford made a motion to accept the new SOG #4 language.  Greg Babbitt seconded.  Motion carried.  The new SOG #4 (1) will read:  “All personnel shall be hired or dismissed by the Mecosta-Austin Township Fireboard.  The Fire Chief will be appointed by the Fireboard during the January fireboard meeting of the odd years (1995, 1997, 1999, etc).  The Assistant Fire Chief and the Captains positions will be appointed during the even years (1996, 1998, 2000, etc.)  Interest in any position needs to be expressed by signing up on the posting and submitting a resume to the Fire Board no later than the 2nd Wednesday in January of that year.  Each applicant will go through an interview with the interview panel.  This panel is suggested to consist of 3 firefighters with at least 5 years experience, 3 Fire Board members and the Fire Chief.  The new Chief shall take charge on April 1 of the odd years.  The Assistant Fire Chief and Captains will take charge on April 1 of the even years.  Members must compete at least one year of service, as a trained Firefighter, (completion of at least Firefighter 1) before holding an Officers position.”


6X6 Equipment – Phil Hanford made a motion to get the lighting, not to exceed $2,000, and vinyl, not to exceed $1,000, done on the new 6X6 truck.  Carolyn Towsley seconded.  Roll Call: Greg Babbitt – yea; Arturo Pierera – yea; Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea.  Motion carried.


Truck 3-21 – We only received one Internet call and bid for $3,000 for the tanks, pump and truck.  Phil Hanford made a motion to not accept the $3,000 bid.  Arturo Pierera seconded.  Motion carried.  Tanks are read to go for scrap.  Will be keeping one hose for the new truck.  There has been an interested party for the truck that was did not want to pay the $5-6,000 originally asked for on the truck.  Phil Hanford made a motion to not accept less than $3,750 for the truck only.  Greg Babbitt seconded.  Motion carried.


Physicals – Alan Brennan did not proceed with ordering physicals since they were $115 for the physical, hearing test and pulmonary test, which was above the approved $80 each.  Phil Hanford moved to have Alan Brennan schedule physicals at $115 each.  Arturo Pierera seconded.  Roll Call: Greg Babbitt – yea; Arturo Pierera – yea; Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea.  Motion carried.  One half (9) will be done this year and the other half next year.


Fuel Tank –VanManen will not furnish a double wall tank.  A plan needs to be put in place since it will be mandatory to have the tank contained by 2013 for hazardous waste precautions.  Carolyn Towsley was asked to shop for diesel tanks and present the information at the next board meeting.


New Business


Fire Chief’s Report – There were 12 fire runs since last meeting.  Next summer the ridge vent on the fire building roof will need to be repaired.  Firefighter application has been received from Emily Terpstra.  She will be going to fire school next year.  Linda Knapp will be leaving around December 1 of this year.


Safety Report – There were no injuries.  Vehicle extrication and SCBA training and victim extrication have been completed.


Maintenance Report – Trucks are in good condition.  A new main pressure gauge needs to be purchased for truck 3-12.  Pumps, ladders and float packs have all been tested.  Batteries for the packs were donated to the Fire Department from Duracell.


MFR Report – 11 runs in September and 15 runs in October.  CPR training will be done at the fire hall on December 7.  MIMS training will be at the fire hall on January 11, February 8, and March 14, 2012.


JAWS – Austin Township and Mecosta Township boards have agreed to provide capital outlay funding for a new set of jaws.  The fire department is in the process of getting prices for a new set of jaws.  Champion will be giving a demo next Wednesday.  One price submitted to date was $24,624.  John Boyd called for a special meeting of the fireboard for December 1, 2011 at the fire hall 7:00 p.m. to decide on what to submit to the township boards for approval.


Brief Public Comment – None.


Announcements – None.


Correspondence – None.


The next meeting will be January 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall.


Adjournment - At 8:30 p.m. John Boyd declared the meeting closed.


Submitted by,





Carolyn Towsley, Secretary