Mecosta Austin Fire Board


May 16, 2012


Chairman John Boyd called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.


Pledge to the flag was given.


Roll Call: John Boyd; Phil Hanford; Elizabeth G. Carr; and Carolyn Towsley.  Absent Greg Babbitt and Arturo Pierera.

Additions to the Agenda – None.


Approval of Agenda – Elizabeth Carr moved that the Agenda be approved as presented.  Supported by Phil Hanford.  Motion carried.


Approval of Minutes –Phil Hanford moved the minutes be approved as presented.  Supported by Elizabeth Carr.  Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report –It was suggested that a fuel expense line item be created or a subcategory fuel expense under Truck repair.

Firemen Checking $64,372.59– Firemen Fund $771.23   Independent Bank $8,248.23.  Total Assets $73,392.05.  As of April 30, 2012.

First Responders Checking $13,316.79 as of April 30, 2012.


John Boyd said the report would be accepted as presented.


Phil Hanford moved to approve the bills: Fire Department checks #4604-4616 and EFT Payment and First Responders checks #1285-1297.  Carolyn Towsley seconded.  Roll Call: Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea.  Motion carried.


Appointment of Members-at-Large for Fire Board – Mecosta Township nominated Arturo Pierera and Austin Township nominated Greg Babbitt. 


Old Business

Move $3,572.20 to Independent Bank CD - Plus $2,900 for Sale of International –Carolyn Towsley moved to move $3,572.20 which was left over in last year’s budget and $2,900.00 from the sale of the 1983 International to the Fire Department’s Independent Bank CD.  Phil Hanford seconded.  Roll Call: Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea.  Motion carried.


New 6X6 – Marv Bell informed the board that we are waiting on DNR.  DNR agent has not received title from Lansing office.


Parking Lot – Phil Hanford and Kenn Vredenburg looked over the parking lot and have agreed that we should not spend any money on repaving it until it is totally shot.  John Boyd will look into the cost of concrete and to do it in sections.


Old Diesel Tank – Review Fuel Tank Bids –Bids were opened from Kerkstra Environmental Services for $225.00; Johnson Escavating & Trucking for $370 and Kenn Vredenburg for $505.  John Boyd moved to accept the highest bid from Kenn Vredenburg for the old diesel tank and pump.  Phil Hanford seconded.  Roll Call: Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea.  Motion carried.


New Business

Fire Chief’s Report – There were 18 fire runs since last meeting.  Mike Owen has recently had four stints put in various arteries and is doing much better.  A technician from Frontier (internet) stopped in to let Marv know that all of the equipment has been installed in the Stanwood office.  We will wait until next meeting to see if this service may be possible to access.  Marv had Iltis Construction look at the vent.  To take the cap off and replace with a new cap and insert a bird stop was about $750.  Marv will get some other bids.


Safety Report Ron Palmer was not present.  His report showed that there had been no injuries and NIMS training has been completed with only one employee absent.  Pump and apparatus training have been completed as well as operating procedures on grass rigs.


Maintenance Report – Steve Cook reported that blown fuses on 3-22 have been replaced and he is currently doing general maintenance.  He has generated a chart to keep track of the maintenance completed and when the maintenance is scheduled to be done again.


MFR Report – A projector has been purchased for training.  Runs:  March 13; April 14; May 5 to date.


Water Donation – It looks like John Johnson will not be obtaining water from the fire department.  Marv said that they recently filled a pool and a $150 donation was given.  He would like to use some of that money to purchase name tags for 8 employees.  Discussion was had about guidelines and standards for providing water.  Carolyn Towsley was asked to check with the insurance company about liability on filling pools if it was used as training function.  Also there is a need to set a standard on doing this.  After insurance information is obtained, Marv Bell will generate a standard.


Brief Public Comment – Carolyn said that the new insurance policy was sent out to everyone and that we receive a $490.60 refund from the removal of the 1983 International.


Phil Hanford informed everyone that he is not running for township supervisor but has thrown his hat in to run for County Commissioner against Art Adlelman.  John Boyd is running for Mecosta Township Supervisor.


Announcements – None.


Correspondence – None.


The next meeting will be July 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall.


Adjournment - At 7:50 p.m. John Boyd declared the meeting closed.


Submitted by,