Mecosta Austin Fire Board

November 7, 2012


Chairman John Boyd called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Pledge to the flag was given.

Roll Call: John Boyd; Greg Babbitt; Phil Hanford; Elizabeth G. Carr; and Carolyn Towsley. Absent Arturo Pierera.

Additions to the Agenda – None.

Approval of Agenda – Phil Hanford moved that the Agenda be approved as presented. Supported by Elizabeth Carr. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes –Greg Babbitt moved the minutes be approved as presented. Supported by Phil Hanford. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report –Elizabeth Carr noted that DTE charges a $25 per month fee for the meter, Frontier rebate card was applied to the Frontier account minus $3.50 transaction fee, and that new checks for the Fire Department will cost $180.18 next month. Firemen Checking $42,913.37– Firemen Fund $1,036.23 - Independent Bank $14,732.21. Total Assets $58,681.81 as of October 31, 2012. First Responders Checking $14,239.21 as of October 31, 2012. John Boyd said the report would be accepted as presented.

Carolyn Towsley moved to approve the bills: Fire Department checks #4661-4678 and First Responders checks #1314-1326. Greg Babbitt seconded. Roll Call: Greg Babbitt – yea; Phil Hanford – yea; Elizabeth Carr – yea; Carolyn Towsley – yea; and John Boyd – yea. Motion carried.

Old Business

6X6 – Still out of commission. Pump parts are all in except still waiting for the shaft. As soon as shaft is in all parts will be purchased at that time.

Commercial Site Visits –The Fire Department should add this to their budget and split the visits over a three year period and have these estimates for the Joint Townships meeting in January.

Vent – Two bids were received: Gerber Construction Company for $980 and also $940 for the center vent; The Building Business General Contractor $560 for both vents. The Building Business General Contractors is the original company who put up the vents and will use some of the materials already in place. The Building Business General Contractors will be contacted to find out when they will get to the project.

Compliancy Chart – NIMS Training – Nothing more on this subject. Carolyn Towsley mentioned that she Beth Carr and Michelle Graham Have taken the ICS 300 class and she and Beth will finish the ICS 400 class this week.

Providing Water Standard – Carolyn Towsley informed the Board that Michigan Township Association recommends that the fire department not set standards on providing water. Phil Hanford made the motion that Mecosta-Austin Fire Department’s policy is to not sell or distribute water. Supported by Carolyn Towsley. 3 Ayes and 2 Nays. Motion carried.

New Business

Fire Chief’s Report – Marv Bell reported there were 11 fire runs since last meeting. The Jaws of Life were used twice. As noted before parts for 6X6 have been ordered.

Safety Report - No reported injuries. Fire training on ladder, hose and appliance, and ventilation has been completed. Two days were given to fire safety for the schools and the Amish schools will be done tomorrow.

Maintenance Report – Steve Cook reported that the pump shift shaft has been repaired on truck 3-11.

MFR Report –Runs: September 14; and October 19. Employees are diminishing and we need to consider possibly changing the by-laws to look at hiring rescue personnel who are not firemen. It was suggested that proposed language be presented to the joint townships in January.

Brief Public Comment – Phil Hanford thanked the fire department for the work they have done.

Announcements – None.

Correspondence – None.

The next meeting will be JANUARY 16, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Carolyn Towsley reminded everyone that at this meeting we will need to appoint a fire chief and elect fire board officers.

Adjournment - At 7:41 p.m. John Boyd declared the meeting closed.

Submitted by,

Carolyn Towsley, Secretary