JULY 17, 2013



Vice Chair Michele Graham called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Pledge to the flag was given.

Roll Call: Michele Graham, Elizabeth G. Carr, Susan Sikkema, and John Conforte. Absent were John Boyd and Greg Babbitt.

Addition to the Agenda: Moved by Susan Sikkema, supported by John Conforte to add to New Business, #5 Par Plan, and #6 Crystal Flash. Motion carried.

Approval of Agenda: Moved by John Conforte, supported by Susan Sikkema to approve the agenda. Motion carried.

Approval of the Minutes: Moved by Susan Sikkema, supported by John Conforte to approve the minutes with corrections: Michele Graham has one ‘l’ in her name and Elizabeth Carr needs to be added to the end of the minutes as the secretary who took the minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: The Final Settlement for the Fire Department for the 2012-2013 FY: There was $917.40 in the Fireman Fund and $375.37 in the General Checking account for a total of $1,292.77. $7,000.00 was moved from the Savings Account to the Checking Account to cover the cost of the insurance billing. The First Responders closed the 2012-2013 FY with $12,990.42 in their checking account. Accepted as presented.

Approval of the Bills: Need to move the Crystal Flash bill from 336-940 to 336-730. We need to add a Truck Expense or Fuel line to the budget next year for the Fire Department. The First Responders     are supposed to pay for half of the motion lights in the Fire Hall. Need to have them reimburse the Fire Department for the cost of one of the light sets. Moved by Susan Sikkema, supported by John Conforte to pay the bills totaling $7,729.66. John Conforte-yes, Susan Sikkema-yes, Elizabeth G. Carr-yes, Michele Graham-yes.

Old Business:

Computer: Moved by Elizabeth G. Carr, supported by Susan Sikkema to spend up to $800.00 to purchase a new computer. The current computer will barely run the Fire Programs. Motion carried.

Review of Fire Runs: Discussion to raise the Fire Department wages $2.00 per hour putting their wages at $14.00 per hour. The increase would cost each township approximately $1,500.00. The discussion will be moved to the Township Boards.    

New Business:

Fire Chief’s Report: We have two new firefighters joining the department: Spencer Wilkenson and Sara Penness. Sara has been on the department before. They have been attending the fire meetings. We are preparing for our Ladder Test and for our Pump Test. They have not been scheduled yet. The SCBA test will be August 8th. We had to do some major repairs in the bathroom at the Fire Hall. There was a leak in the toilet which caused a mold problem. The floor of the Fire Hall meeting room really needs to be stripped and resealed. We will get some estimates for the next meeting. The Dam Fest is Saturday, July 20, 2013. Part of our department will be there with the Water Rescue Team.

Safety and Training Report: There are no reported injuries. July 30th we will be having live propane burn training here at the Fire Hall. There will be many departments here. We will be using Ice Mountain’s fire hydrant. This is a state level class so credit will be given for completing it. There will be a class section and a burn section. We will start the burn section approximately 7 p.m.

Maintenance Report: A radio was repaired in truck 3-22 and the air chamber by-lines were repaired. We will need to change the oil and oil filters in the trucks soon.

MFR Report: There were 31new runs. Please let Allan know when the run reimbursement checks come in.

PAR Plan: Presented PAR Plan newsletter.

Crystal Flash: We will not be accepting Crystal Flash’s offer of automatic check withdrawal for bill payment.

The next meeting will be September 18, 2013 at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall.

Moved by Michele Graham, supported by Elizabeth G. Carr to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. Motion carried.


Elizabeth G. Carr

