I.       Meeting called to order: 7:00 p.m.


II.     Pledge to the Flag



III.  Roll call: John Boyd, John Brockway, Elizabeth Carr, Michele Graham, Susan Sikkema.  Absent: Greg Babbitt.


IV.  Election of Fire Board Officers; Motion was made by Graham and 2nd by Carr to have John Boyd: Chairman

                       Michele Graham: Co-Chairman

                       Elizabeth Carr: Treasurer

                       Susan Sikkema: Secretary

                       Greg Babbitt: Trustee

                       John Brockway: Trustee

Approved -5                        Unapproved – 0             Motion carried.


V.    Additions to agenda: Motion was made by Carr, 2nd by Boyd to add under Old Business, #3 Credit Card.


Approved – 5                    Unapproved – 0              Motion carried.


VI.   Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve with the addition was made by Boyd, 2nd by Graham.


Approved – 5                     Unapproved – 0              Motion carried


VII.                        Motion was made to approve May 21, 2014 minutes as written by Graham, 2nd by Carr.


Approved – 5                    Unapproved – 0               Motion carried.


VIII.                      Treasurer’s report: Treasurer’s report was accepted as given and entered into the official record.


IX.   Approval of Bills: Motion to pay bills as presented with the addition of $184.04 (Stanwood Feed & Need) made by Graham, 2nd by Brockway ($5,220.42).


Roll call: Graham – yes, Brockway – yes, Boyd – yes, Carr – yes, Sikkema – yes.                                                                Motion carried.


X.     Brief Public Comment: None


XI.  Old Business:

1.     SOG 48: Moved to September 17, 2014 meeting.


2.     Aptitude Test: Moved to September 17, 2014 meeting.



3.     Credit Card: Motion was made to adopt Resolution 2014-01 to have the Fire board Treasurer – Elizabeth Carr (Austin Twp. Clerk) and Carolyn Towsley (Austin Twp. Treasurer) to open a credit card account with Isabella Bank for the Fire Dept. with the following signature users: Marv Bell, Alan Brennan, Ron Palmer, and Steve Cook. Motion was made by Graham, 2nd by Brockway.


Approved – 5                    Unapproved – 0             Motion carried.


XII.                        New Business:

1.     Fire Chiefs Report: Chief Bell stated that the need to get new fire suits. Fire boots will be replaced as needed with the upgraded fire boots.

      Roof Bid – Chief Bell stated he has received only one bid.  It was  

      from C&T Home Improvements for the roof repair.


      Motion was made by Sikkema to spend up to $1,300.00 to have the  

      roof repaired by C&T Home Improvements. 2nd by Graham.


                   Roll call: Sikkema – yes, Graham – yes, Boyd – yes, Brockway – yes,  

                  Carr – yes.                                                                        Motion carried.


        Chief Bell stated that the cost to replace 2 broken pagers $432.00  

        each.  He will contact Bill at Top Com and check on their price. He        

       will also turn in a claim on the lost pager to the insurance   



      Chief Bell stated he has 22 days to update the security software.

      Graham said she will upgrade it with her credit card and then bill

      the fire department.


       Chief Bell state a new member Quintin Buss has pasted the Fire

       Fight One.


2.     Safety and Training report:  Chief Bell stated they are training on

Pump and apparatus usage.


Site surveys – new form complete. Training will be 07-23-2014.


3.     Chief Bell will be buying a new camera for the fire department for taking pictures at fire responses.  This has helped in determining the cause of the fire.


    New head lights installed in Engine 3-12. New hoses and nozzles

    installed on new DNR grass rig.


4.     MFR Report: MFR Charlie Walch has his medical license and Frank West is a new member and already license as an EMT-Basic.

MFR county board meets 7-17-2014. Expected run reimbursement money and 2nd bi-annual disbursement to be approved.


5.     Swimming Pool Filling: Insurance Company said the fire department was covered. Carr is to check with insurance company if a donation to the fireman’s fund was o.k.


XIII.                      Brief public comment: None


XIV.                      Announcements: Graham stated that a 3-way light will be put up on 8 mile and Northland Dr. and will be showing a blinking caution on Northland and a blinking red on 8 mile soon.


XV.                       Correspondence: None



XVI.                     Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Boyd, 2nd by Sikkema.


Approved – 5                       Unapproved – 0                Motion carried.

Meeting was adjourned 7:55 p.m.


Susan Sikkema

Mecosta Twp. Clerk