January 21, 2015 / UNAPPROVED

I.                   Meeting called to Order: 7:15 p.m.

II.                 Pledge to the Flag

III.              Roll call: John Boyd, Michele Graham, Elizabeth Carr, Susan Sikkema.

Absent: John Brockway and Greg Babbitt.

IV.              Additions to Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda with the addition to New Business #5 “Posting for New Fire Chief” made by Sikkema, 2nd by Graham.


Approved – 4                     Unapproved – 0         Motion carried.


V.                Approval of agenda: See IV.

VI.              Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the 11-19-2014 minutes with correction made by Graham, 2nd by Sikkema.


Approved – 4                    Unapproved – 0           Motion carried.


VII.           Treasurer’s report: Treasurers report accepted as given and entered into the official record.

VIII.         Approval of Bills: Motion to approve the Bills: Fire Dept. - $17,771.62 & 1st Responders - $650.65 – Total amount $18,422.27 made by Graham, 2nd by Sikkema.


Roll call: Graham – yes, Boyd – yes, Carr – yes, Sikkema – yes.    Motion carried.


IX.              Brief Public Comment: Insurance Agent – Ken Lind stated that the amount of for the building went up $10,500. Also the liability for Firemen also went up $4,500.00.  The increase for the total renewal of the insurance went up $37.00.  Copy will be on file at each township.


X.                 Old Business:

1.     Aptitude Test: Will revisit in March.


XI.              New Business:

1.     Fire Chiefs Report: None


2.     Safety and Training Report: All training has been completed for the 2014 year.  Fire calls are down 25 from last year.



3.     Maintenance Report: There is a valve leak on 3-12 – they are trying to find where.  3-11 will not pump.  It will be inspected and information will be forward to the Chair. John Boyd.


4.     MFR Report: Calls – 194, this is 20 more calls than last year.  When the break down on wage percentage is received it will be forward to the Board.



5.     Posting for New Fire Chief:  Co Chief – Alan Brennan will post the opening.  Applications are to be in no later than March 2, 2015.  A special meeting may be scheduled.


XII.            Brief Public Comment:  Tom O’Neal reminded the Board that the Fire Truck is a 2003 – and previous Board wanted to replace the truck every 20 years.  Steve Cook stated that the 2 pumpers and 2 tankers were to be replaced every 5 years.

XIII.         Announcements: None

XIV.         Correspondence: Carr stated she had coupons for Staples if any one needed them.

XV.           Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned 8:15 p.m.

Susan Sikkema / Mecosta Twp. Clerk