

Elizabeth G.Carr

Austin Township Clerk




The Austin Township Budget Board Meeting was called to order on March 30, 2010 at 1:10 p.m. by Supervisor Kenneth Vredenburg at the Township Hall at 14132 Pierce Rd., Stanwood, MI 49346.


Present were Kenneth Vredenburg, Carolyn Towsley, Elizabeth G. Carr, and John Brockway. Absent was John Conforte. There was one guest present.


Public Comment: None.


Moved by Carolyn Towsley, supported by John Brockway to move $550.00 from 101-727 Legislative Office Supplies to 209-727 Assessor Office Supplies. Motion carried.


Moved by John Brockway, supported by Carolyn Towsley, to approve the 2010-2011.

Kenn Vredenburg-yes                                 Carolyn Towsley-yes

John Brockway-yes                                     Elizabeth G. Carr-yes

John Conforte-NA


Moved by Carolyn Towsley, supported by Elizabeth G. Carr to approve the Reimbursement Scale.

Kenn Vredenburg-yes                                 Carolyn Towsley-yes

John Brockway-yes                                     Elizabeth G. Carr-yes

John Conforte-NA


The County Road Commission responded on the Polk Road project. They would like to clear 30 ft back from the road. Kenn requested that they not do that extensive a project, just some trimming and gravel.


Carolyn Towsley-Two CD’s are going to expire. What do you wish me to do with them? Get the best roll-over rate for the year. Possibly put the smaller one in a step-up program.


Moved by Kenn Vredenburg, supported by John Brockway to send three people to the Capitol Conference in Lansing on April 21, 2010. Motion carried.


Public Comment: What is the price on roads this year? The price has gone down $2.00 from last year.


Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.




Elizabeth G. Carr

Austin Township Clerk