The Austin Township Board Meeting was called to order on June 14, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Kenneth Vredenburg at the Township Hall at 14132 Pierce Rd, Stanwood, MI, 49346.

Present were: Kenneth Vredenburg, Carolyn Towsley, Elizabeth G. Carr, John Conforte, and John Brockway.

Public comment: Would like to see a timelier posting of the Township Minutes on the website. There is a new Mecosta County Park Board. ATV road side right-of-way legislation has been introduced in Lansing. The new County Treasurer is Sherry Earnest and the Deputy Treasurer is Cindy Lattimore.

Minutes: Correction to the May 10, 2011 minutes should read-Roads:” Moved by Kenn Vredenburg, supported by Carolyn Towsley to accept the bid estimates from the Mecosta County Road Commission to spend $17,952.00 to gravel 180th Ave from Johnson Rd to 11 Mile and to gravel Polk Rd east from Northland Dr. We would like that to be to 170th Ave. The cost to do Polk Rd would be around $10,000.00. Motion carried.” Moved by Carolyn Towsley, supported by John Brockway to accept the minutes with corrections. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: The revenue sharing check has been received and deposited on May 9, 2011. The Fire Board voted to close the First Responder Independent Bank CD account. $113.40 was moved from Independent Bank and deposited in their Chemical Bank general fund. Moved by John Conforte, supported by John Brockway to accept the Financial Report. Motion carried.

Payment of the Bills: Moved by John Brockway, supported by John Conforte to reimburse Carolyn Towsley $345.44 for the cost of ink to print the newsletters, to pay Ron Hopkins $640.00 for mowing the Cemetery. His check was mistakenly not printed. And to approve the payments of the bills. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

1.      Fire Department Report: The Fire Board moved to pay for the repair of the new truck and to put the old truck up for sale for $5,000.00 without the tank or $6,000.00 with the tank. The dedication of the new Fire Department sign donated by Trans Canada (ANR Pipeline) in memory of Tim Bechaz was May 27th.  It went very well. The disaster training drill was held at Austin Township. Two firefighters have resigned and two more have joined the department. All current firefighters have completed their training. Extrication training has also been completed. Western Insurance suggested some safety procedures that could be implemented. The barrier posts around the fuel tanks have been installed. The posts were donated by ANR. The department is asking the fuel company for the automatic shut off valves to be installed.

2.      Supervisor and Assessor’s Report: The Ice Mountain plant manager resigned last Friday. Mecosta County has been picked for the Assessors review. My appointment is July 18th. The Board of Review will meet July 19th.  Austin Township roads should be brined soon. They have finished Aetna and Mecosta Townships.

3.      Treasurer’s Report: The newsletter is printed. The tax bills will be ready by the next meeting. The next Mecosta County Township Association meeting will be July 25th at Fork Township.

4.      Clerk’s Report: We need to renew our Norton Antivirus software. We have a credit with Holton’s of $18.40. Big Prairie Township sent us a notification they will be updating their Master Plan. I received a $60.00 credit towards a different MTA conference from the Spring District Meeting that I missed.

5.      Roads: The Road Commission contracts have been signed. The first available dates for MCS ‘The Dust Matters’ to be available to do a brining for us is after July 4th.  However, we haven’t received our free brining from the County yet. MCS does offer a discount after July 1st. A decision as to a date will be made at our next board meeting. We need to coordinate to have the roads graded before the brining.

6.      Fire Board Appointments: The Austin Township Board approves the continued appointments of Carolyn Towsley, Elizabeth G. Carr, and Gregg Babbitt.

7.      Printer: Moved by Elizabeth G. Carr, supported by Carolyn Towsley, to spend up to $1,000.00 to purchase a laser printer with cartridges. Motion carried. The smaller inkjet printers are not holding up well. The Clerk and Treasurer’s computers will both be linked to the printer.

Adjournment at 8:50 p.m.


Elizabeth G. Carr

             Austin Township Clerk