The Austin Township Board Meeting was called to order on March 8, 2011 at 7:50 Supervisor Kenneth Vredenburg at the the Township Hall at 14132 Pierce Road, Stanwood, Michigan, 49346.

Present were: Kenneth Vredenburg, Carolyn Towsley, Elizabeth G. Carr, John Brockway, and John Conforte.

Minutes: Corrections to the February 8, 2011 minutes: #2 Assessors’/Supervisor’s Report should read-"The Buchanan Road Project will be paid for with Federal Safety Funds. The Road Commission may ask for help with a weigh master." Moved by John Conforte, supported by Carolyn Towsley to accept the minutes with corrections. Carried.

Moved by Kenn Vredenburg, supported by John Brockway to moved $200.00 from 925-955 Miscellaneous and deposit it in 191-703 Election Salaries to adjust the Budget.

Carolyn Towsley-yes Elizabeth G. Carr-yes

John Brockway-yes John Conforte-yes

Kenn Vredenburg-yes

Payment of the bills: Moved by Kenn Vredenburg, supported by John Brockway to approve the payment of bill #’s 7463-7482 for the Township, bill #’s 4409-4421for the Fire Department, # 1206 for the First Responders, and #1412 for the Cemetery. QuikBooks has not withdrawn the amount for our Payroll renewal yet. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

1. Fire Department and First Responder Report: The next Fire Board Meeting will be March 16, 2011 at 7 p.m. The Fire Board will be making a decision about our insurance carrier for the 2011-2012 Budget Year. The Pioneer printed an article about our ISO testing and rating.

2. Assessor/Supervisor Report: The Board of Review will meet next week on Monday, March 14, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 from 6-9 p.m. I met with Darwin Booher and discussed various topics of interest to the township and county.

3. Treasurer’s Report: 93% of the summer taxes have been paid with 96% of the money paid in. 85% of the winter taxes have been paid with 95% of the money paid in. $58,267.00 was collected. I suggest we leave it in the General Checking account.

4. Clerk’s Report: The MOISD School election had a high voter turnout. The proposed millage was voted down. The next school election will be May 3, 2011. I have received letters from Walton Erickson Library and Morton Township Library about the services they will be offering next year.

5. Roads: None of the projects we listed on our Township priority list are under consideration for this year. Bids are still coming in on the proposed Buchanan Road project. The Road Commission may consider a wedge on Buchanan Road. All estimates are being revised.

New Business:

1. FYI: The Amish have applied for an agriculture permit for their proposed Produce Auction House on 140th Ave. This would mean they could not sell to the public. Tulleymore is planning on holding the Farm Market every Saturday from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.

2. Payroll Reports & Taxes: Kandy’s Accounting is scaling back on her work load. She will no longer be providing services to the township. She has been working with the clerk to set up a model to follow. The clerk will assume those duties.

Adjourned at 9:13 p.m.

Elizabeth G. Carr

Austin Township Clerk