The Austin Township Board Meeting was called to order on March 11, 2014 at 7:45 p.m. by Supervisor Kenneth Vredenburg at the Township Hall at 14132 Pierce Road, Stanwood, MI, 49346.

Present were: Kenneth Vredenburg, Elizabeth G Carr, Carolyn Towsley, John Conforte, and John Brockway.

Public Comment: Art Adelman, County Commissioner-Mecosta County is in the early planning stages of the feasibility of Mecosta County having its own morgue. If approved, there is room in the Public Services Building to accommodate the morgue. The funds are available for the project. The County would be able to use the same doctor that it has been using from Muskegon. Mecosta County typically has about 40 autopsies per year. We would be able to charge for this service to any nearby counties that would contract to utilize our service. The program should pay for itself. The County Commission will be changing its third Thursday of the month meetings from 7 p.m. to 3 p.m. The County Commissioners will try this change for 6 months before making it permanent. Art Adelman will be running again for the next two year term as County Commissioner from this district.

Minutes: Moved by Carolyn Towsley, supported by John Conforte to approve the minutes with the correction that in the Financial Report the phrase ‘We are down 15% from last year’ be struck from the minutes. Motion carried.

Financial Report: The General Fund has a $175.00 difference between the Treasurer’s and Clerk’s Offices due to an old uncanceled invoice. We have received the Charter check for $1,000.00 and a Revenue Sharing Check of $19,547.00. Mecosta Township has submitted a check for their share of the LUCAS machine. The Fire Department has receive a $2,000.00 donation check towards the LUCAS machine. The amount will be deposited to the First Responder account to offset the cost of the LUCAS machine. The Financial Report was accepted subject to audit.

Payment of the Bills: Moved by John Conforte, supported by John Brockway to approve the payment of Township check #’s 8169-8186 and Cemetery check # 1497 and to present for review Fire Department check #’s 4876-4884 and First Responder check #’s 1419-1420. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

1.       Fire Department and First Responder Report: The next meeting is Wednesday, March 19th at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall at 7 p.m. The Fire Department has two trucks being repaired. Both trucks were damaged when the pumps froze and broke while fighting a fire in subzero temperatures. The Fire Board met with the Ken Lind from Lind & Lind Insurance. The board will vote at the next Fire Board Meeting about whether to accept his bid to insure the Fire Department.

2.       Assessor’s and Supervisor’s Report: There will be Board of Review meeting tomorrow from 1-4 p.m. and from 6-9 p.m.

3.       Treasurer’s Report: I have received 93% of the summer taxes and 83% of the winter taxes. Delinquent taxes have been sent to the County Treasurer’s Office. We have 1 personal property. The County will mail our taxes again this year.

4.       Clerk’s Report: The Mecosta County Road Commission Meeting will be March 27, 2014 at 6 p.m. at Morton Township. The Morley Stanwood Sinking Fund millage was voted down. There is a Voting Systems Fair in Lansing on March 21, 2014 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Moved by Elizabeth G Carr, supported by Carolyn Towsley to contribute to $1,000.00 to Walton Erickson Library and $500.00 to Morton Township Library. Motion carried.

New Business:

1.       Insurance: Kenn, Carolyn, and Elizabeth met with Ken Lind from Lind and Lind Insurance. Our insurance expires in September. The board will wait to make a decision about changing insurance until the new Budget year.

2.       Budget Settlement: Moved by Kenneth Vredenburg, supported by John Conforte to pay the Austin Township representatives on the Fire Board, Cemetery Board, and Board of Review and all other outstanding invoices to complete the final budget settlement by March 31, 2014. Motion carried.

3.       Jeanette Towsley: Moved by John Brockway, supported by John Conforte to pay Jeanette Towsley $10.00/4 hours of work on the Clerk’s Quikbooks program to be taken out of Professional Services. Motion carried.

Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


Elizabeth G Carr


Austin Township Clerk